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DENKA HP-CSA High Performance, Shrinkage Reducing And Compensating Additive

DENKA HP-CSA is a high performance additive for the compensation and reduction of shrinkage for concrete and mortar. Its functional mechanism is based on our cutting edge technology which we have developed for long years. HP-CSA has good cost performance as well.
Appearance: White powder
Physical state: Solid
Specific gravity: 2.95 to 3.15 g/cm3
pH: 12 to 13(Dissolved water)

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  • HP-CSA

Appearance :White powder
Packing: 20kgs bag
Physical state : Solid
Odour : Odorless
Specific gravity: 2.95 to 3.15 g/cm3
Blaine fineness: 2000 or more g/cm2
Bulk density: 1.10 to 1.15 g/cm3
pH: 12 to 13 (Dissolved water)
Water solubility: Partially soluble in water. Will solidify over a period of hours if moistened or wet
● Minimize the cracking caused by drying shrinkage (Shrinkage compensation)
● Increase water tightness
● Good cost performance
● Dry mix mortar to minimize cracking due to dry shrinkage
● Ready-mixed concrete to minimize cracking due to dry shrinkage and improve water tightness
Precautions for handling
● Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before use
● Use a stainless steel or iron agitating blade. Do not use an aluminum blade because hydrogen gas generation could occur and subsequently lead to explosions when mixing the mortar
● Mix grouting material with the specified quantity of water. Using other quantities of water may affect the performance of the non-shrinking mortar
● Use fresh water that does not contain oils, salts, or organic compounds
● Before beginning injecting work, optimize the quantity water in mixing trials and remove oily residues, laitance, and mud from the surface of structure
● Protective gear (goggles, mask, gloves, and rubber boots) should be worn during handling
● Do not dispose of DENKA HP-CSA in drains
● Product in open bags should be used up completely or the bag should be resealed for storage
● The product should be stored in a dry area, indoors, and out of direct sunlight
● For further information, please contact us.


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